The Impact of Missed Payments on Your Credit Score

Discover the impact of missed payments in your credit score and how can it affect your financial opportunities in Canada.


In Canada, a good credit score is essential for many financial transactions, and the majority of the people here associate their creditworthiness with their credit score. A good credit score can directly impact your being approved for loans and different lines of credit.

Failing to make timely payments or having late payments is a major contributor to lowering your credit score. When you miss a payment, it is reported to the credit bureaus, companies that collect and track credit information. The credit bureaus then update your credit report, which is a record of your borrowing and repayment history.

The impact of a missed payment on your credit score will depend on a lot of things, including the number of missed payments, their recency, and your overall credit history. A single missed payment can have a huge impact on your credit score, especially if you have a pristine credit history. Multiple missed payments can have an even more severe impact.

What is a credit score, and why is it important? 

In Canada, a good credit score is essential for many financial transactions, and the majority of the people here associate their creditworthiness with their credit score. A good credit score can have a direct impact on your being approved for loans and different lines of credit.

How can missed payments impact your credit score? 

What many people don’t know is that missed payments are more serious than what people may think. Missed payments are technically a red flag to lenders and will send them a signal that you may not be reliable in fulfilling your financial obligations. Moreover, it will have a significantly negative impact on your credit score, and this will eventually make it hard for you to obtain credit in the future. The impact depends on the number of missed payments, their recency, and your overall credit history. 

What are the consequences of a low credit score due to missed payments? 

A low credit score will give lenders the impression that you are not responsible for handling your debts and finances. You will be less likely to be approved for any type of credit, and this will eventually cause you to lose money on high interest. 

A low credit score can also have a significant impact on how you live your day-to-day life simply because of the impact it has on the following: 

You will have limited credit options. Lenders will be hesitant to approve credit applications of individuals with low credit scores, restricting their access to loans, credit cards, and other financing options. 

It will be difficult for you to find a place to rent or stay. Landlords often consider credit scores when screening potential tenants. A low credit score could make it challenging to find a suitable apartment or lead to higher rental deposits. 

You may find looking for a job extra hard. Some employers conduct credit checks as part of the hiring process. A low credit score could hinder employment opportunities. 

You will pay more with high-interest rates on loans and credit. When applying for loans, credit cards, or other forms of credit, individuals with low credit scores are often charged higher interest rates. This means they end up paying more for borrowed money. 

The Severity of Missed Payments 

How late must a payment be to be considered late? 

Different lenders view late payments differently. However, it generally refers to a payment that’s 30 days or more past due. Some lenders may even report a payment as late if it’s just a few days overdue.  

Variations in Late Payment Definitions:

  • Grace Periods: Some lenders offer a grace period, usually 10-15 days, before considering a payment late. This grace period allows for unforeseen circumstances and provides a buffer for late payments.
  • Varying Deadlines: Payment deadlines themselves are only sometimes standardized. Some lenders set the due date as the statement date, while others use a specific calendar date. Understanding your particular deadline is crucial to avoid unintentional late payments.
  • Partial Payments: Some lenders consider any payment received after the due date as late, regardless of its amount. Others may accept partial payments to avoid late fees and reporting to credit bureaus.

How many missed payments will it take to damage your credit score seriously? 

While it’s true that a single late payment can negatively impact your credit score, the extent of the damage depends on several factors:

Severity of the Late Payment:

  • Payment Timing: The later the payment, the worse the impact. A 30-day late payment has less of an effect compared to a 90-day or 120-day late payment.
  • Frequency of Late Payments: Multiple late payments within a short period significantly damage your credit score more than a single isolated incident.
  • Account Type: Late payments on revolving credit accounts (credit cards, lines of credit) have a greater impact than late payments on installment accounts (mortgages, car loans).

How much can a missed payment lower your credit score? 

A single missed payment may cause a drop of 50 to 100 points; the impact of multiple missed payments can be even more severe. This is because missed payments are considered a significant indicator of increased credit risk. 

How Long Do Missed Payments Stay on Your Credit Report? 

When a missed payment is reported to the credit bureaus, it remains on your credit report for up to seven years. However, the impact of the missed payment on your credit score gradually diminishes over time. As you make timely payments and demonstrate responsible credit behavior, the negative influence of past missed payments fades. 

How does the age of a missed payment impact your credit score? 

The age of a missed payment significantly impacts its severity on your credit score. As forgotten payments age, their negative influence on your credit score gradually diminishes. This is because lenders prioritize recent credit history when evaluating creditworthiness, placing less weight on older missed payments. 

How can you remove missed payments from your credit report? 

The question is, can you remove a late payment on your credit report? The answer is yes.  

Here are some of the ways you can remove missed payments from your credit report: 

Pay the missed payment within 30 days of the original due date. If you make a payment within 30 days of the original due date, it will not be reported as a late payment on your credit reports. 

Dispute the missed payment with the credit bureau. If you believe that a missed payment is inaccurate, you can file a dispute with the credit bureau that reported it. The credit bureau will then investigate your dispute and determine whether the late payment should be removed from your credit report. 

Remove falsely reported missed payments. If a missed payment was falsely reported to the credit bureau, you can contact the creditor and request that they remove it from your credit report. 

How to Recover from a Missed Payment 

What should you do if you miss a payment? 

If you miss a payment, it’s important to act quickly and make the missed payment as soon as possible. You should also contact the creditor to acknowledge the oversight and express your intention to rectify the situation. Inquire about any late fees or penalties associated with the missed payment and address these charges promptly to minimize the financial impact. 

How can you start to repair your credit after a missed payment? 

To start repairing your credit after a missed payment, you should establish a consistent payment history by diligently making all future payments on time, without exception. Check and monitor your spending habits and look for areas where you can cut back to reduce unnecessary expenses and free up funds to prioritize debt repayment. To show lenders that you are responsible for managing your credit, aim to keep your credit utilization ratio below 10%. Consider consulting a credit counsellor for personalized advice and support in developing a debt management plan. 

How long does it take to rebuild your credit after a missed payment? 

Rebuilding credit after a missed payment requires patience and persistence. There is no definitive timeline for full recovery, but consistent positive payment behavior will gradually improve your credit score. Remember, every on-time payment is a step towards financial restoration. 


The importance of making on-time payments 

A strong credit score opens doors to various financial opportunities, including favourable interest rates on loans and mortgages, rental agreements, and even insurance premiums. Prioritize on-time payments to build a strong credit score and achieve financial stability. Conversely, missed payments can lead to a decline in creditworthiness, resulting in higher interest rates, limited financial options, and potential damage to your reputation. 

Additional Information

The different types of missed payments (e.g., credit card payments, loan payments, rent payments, etc.) 

Missed payments, whether on credit cards, loans, rent, or utilities, can all have negative consequences. While credit card and loan delinquencies directly impact your credit score, missed rent payments can lead to eviction, and missed utility payments can result in service disruptions. Understanding the different types of missed payments and their potential consequences is crucial for responsible financial management. 

The impact of missed payments on different types of credit (e.g., revolving credit, installment credit, etc.) 

Missed payments can have a more significant impact on revolving credit than on installment credit. This is because revolving credit accounts are more likely to be used to carry a balance from month to month, and lenders view this as a higher risk. 

For example, it could cause your credit score to drop significantly if you miss a payment on a credit card with a high balance while the impact will likely be less severe if you miss a payment on a auto loan with a low balance. 

Tips for avoiding missed payments 

There are a number of things you can do to avoid missed payments, including: 

  • Set up automatic payments. 
  • Create a budget and track your income and expenses.
  • Set reminders for yourself so that you don’t forget to make payments. 
  • If you’re having trouble making payments, contact your creditors as soon as possible. 
  • How to get help if you are struggling to make payments 

If you are struggling to make payments, there are a number of resources available to help you, including: 

  • Credit counseling agencies can provide personalized advice and support on managing your debt and developing a budget. 
  • Try debt consolidation.

Resources for help

If you’re struggling to manage your payments and facing the risk of missed payments, there are resources available to assist you. Credit counseling agencies provide personalized guidance and support in developing a debt management plan to help you get back on track. Furthermore, Credit repair companies can assist you in locating and challenging negative accounts on your credit report. Additionally, these companies can offer valuable guidance on enhancing your credit score and overall financial well-being. 

Help for Canadians

At Kenny Johnson University, we understand that repairing credit can be a challenge for Canadians. We offer comprehensive credit repair services to help you achieve your financial goals. Our team of experts will work closely with you to identify and address any negative items on your credit report, develop a personalized credit improvement plan, and guide you through building a more robust credit profile.

Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Experienced and knowledgeable team: Our team comprises of specialists who are passionate about helping Canadians overcome credit challenges.
  • Personalized approach: We tailor our services to your unique needs and circumstances to ensure the most effective results.
  • Transparent and ethical practices: We believe in honesty and transparency throughout our process.
  • Convenient contact options: Reach us via email, live chat, or phone call to discuss your specific credit situation and receive personalized advice.

Ready to take control of your credit and unlock a brighter financial future? Contact Kenny Johnson University today!

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